Research/Planning Design/Planning Production
- When it came to planning and research we did quite a lot of work towards this. The initial idea we had took a long time to plan but the research was fairly easy as we picked a well known genre that we were already aware of the conventions of.
- The storyboarding we did although it gave us a rough idea of where and how we would shoot our footage as a group we generally knew what we wanted to do from most of our shots.
- It took us a long time to plan the production especially for the party scene we needed to gather together a lot of people as well as trying to figure out how we would keep the continuity in the shots. In the next years work, I hope not to have to re shoot as much as we did due to continuity issues.

Classwork/Independent Study/Personal Organisation
- Personally I found a new independance in the amount of work I needed to do alone. The independant study and classwork taught me to meet deadlines and understand the importance of the time given to complete a task.
- My personal organisation skills also improved knowing that you are dependant on other group members and they are dependant on you to do a certain job, whether it be posting on the group blog or remebering to bring a costume for an actor.
- Working as part of a group was great, but needing to have group meetings and work together on who was free when showed me how to juggle my time with what needed to be completed. As well as showing me that you have to take more into consideration when you work in a team and that everyones ideas should be important.
- The filming and editing process took a long time to get to grips with myself I hadnt used any of the software the school provided before and it taught me a lot. I learnt a lot about how long you need to spend on this process to get the desired product out of it.
- The initial idea of having a group effort made the workload easier to cope with but it also meant that we had some clashing ideas on how to shot and edit our footage but it was a group effort and some compromises had to be made.
- There were practical issues we faced during this process but are now more aware of how to deal with them if they should come up again in our next task.

Blog Work/Evaluation Skills
- Keeping the blog up to date hasnt been easy and it is a difficult task. But it taught me a lot of responsibility to my work and grades. Ther general working of the blog though has been easy, there wasnt a difficulty with the labelling etc.
- The evaulation skills I learnt have been key. I have learnt to be creative with my work and showcase my answers in a creative and experienced way that proves I am up to date with all types of media.
- Learning to address the questions has also been important that I had a direct approach and answer instead of a vague or too in depth answer that didnt focus on the question.

Improvement for this Year
- There is a lot I've learnt from last year's work that I plan to put into the next year and develop on. Firstly I have a better idea of the task and technology I have to do it with. I am also more aware of my own dedication to the task and want a better outcome from it than last year. Also I am now more self aware with time and my personal oragnisation skills.
- Finally I think that the improvements for the next year will also be on planning so that we are more organised for the task we are given and how we want to film it.
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