Monday, 24 March 2014

Pop Website Research

I have researched into the top female pop artist and what there websites look like, so that I can create a website that fits our genre. Looking through these websites has pointed some things out to me that seem to be key to a pop website. 

  1. The artists's picture must be on the homepage and in at least two of these examples they are the background of the homepage.
  2. Hash tags are very popular and almost all celebrities/stars have them, so the artist needs to have a link to their twitter account in plain sight.
  3.  Most of the websites are very clean with the exception of Miley Cyrus. But each is crafted to its specific audience and fans.
  4.  Pop ups - Almost all of these websites had a pop up of the artists newest single.
  5. The websites aren't complex, they are easy so they can be navigated around with ease to find what ever they are looking for.
  6. Social media is a key part of music videos its a way for the artist to get known by more people and therefore most artists have at least 3 social network links on their websites.
  7. The URL is almost always the artists name. 

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