Today we filmed the powder paint which was so much fun to do. Although the weather wasn't very nice we managed to shoot before it rained which could have caused an issue with the paint becoming liquid. We shot at The King Centre Park in Chessington as this was easily accessible for all the people we asked to help us out as well as being a large open space that allowed us to throw the paint around. Unfortunately we were unable to film any where else due to needing permission to use the powder paint, so we were unable to use the desired destination we had planned which was Painshill Park. But this didn't seem to cause an issue the field was a decent backdrop for the shoot and we didn't have a problem with continiuity.
The powder paint worked better than we had expected it too and looked great in shot. Once we have colourised the paint clouds it will fit in to our film in the way we want it too. By making the colour more vivid in editing, we will hopefully be able to make the setting look warmer as it by the images it can be seen it was very dismal day.

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